Pupils with Special Educational Needs are at much greater risk of developing mental health problems and there is a lack of suitable resources for these pupils to promote social and emotional wellbeing.
Our Zippy’s Friends for Pupils with Special Needs programme was developed in 2013 in collaboration with special schools with support from the National Association of Independent Schools and Non-Maintained Special Schools. The programme was adapted with alternative and additional activities to include a range of children with SEND to increase their coping and social skills.
The programme uses visual aids and Widgit Symbols. There are a variety of different activities for teachers to choose from depending on ability of the class or child and story has been adapted to four different reading levels.
The programme has been successfully implemented with 6-17 year olds.
Zippy’s Friends is based around a series of stories and the programme has 24 sessions of 45 minutes. The activities and stories are suitable for children of all abilities. There are also Home Activities to reinforce learning at home with parents and carers. The activities and stories are suitable for children of all abilities.The six modules cover:
- Feelings
- Communication
- Friendship
- Conflict
- Change and Loss
- Moving forward
Children develop their own positive strategies to deal with problems through engaging activities: listening to stories, discussion, games, role-play and drawing.
If you are interested in teaching Zippy’s Friends to your class, book onto our online Skills for Life training.