Reflection Activities
At the end of each Appleās Friends session, the children should be given a chance to reflect on it and to express how they are feeling. We suggest three ways of doing this:
- Tell the children to work in pairs. Ask each of them to briefly tell their classmate whether they enjoyed the session and how they are feeling at the end of it.
- Tell the children to close their eyes for a moment and to think silently about the session. Did they like it? What did they learn? How are they feeling now? Then invite a few children to share their thoughts with the rest of the class.
- The children can draw a picture to show how they feel. This can be simply a happy or sad face, or a more complex drawing, depending on the skills and feelings of each child and the time available. You can invite some children to show their drawings and explain why they are feeling this way.
Last modified: Tuesday, 8 August 2023, 12:02 PM